Hi! I am Letrice Osarenkhoe, the Founder of Love2Learn Tutoring LLC. We always say that learning is an adventure! Our company focuses on students knocking down comprehension barriers and becoming one with the words as they read. We believe that comprehension is the foundation of understanding all subjects within our educational system. Do you find yourself having a challenge explaining story details or understanding a math word problem? If you answered yes, you are in the right place! When you put your own experiences into the words and make them relatable to you, that is when learning takes off. When we are having fun, learning becomes natural. I encourage you to cast all your worries aside and JUMP, knowing services are just a click away. You will learn more about yourself or your child as a change occurs before your eyes. Another tutor or I will help you discover your learning gifts to excel academically. Click on the link below to learn more about this transformation.
L2LT is a small company with no more than three people on staff at a time. We are based out of Crestview, FL, as an online tutoring company that relates to children and adults. We currently tutoring nationwide and expanding. Remembering when I was a child and moving from one big tutoring company to another is how this journey began. Unfortunately, I did not receive the help I needed. My personal childhood experiences motivates me today to provide excellent service for internal and external customers! Everyone learns differently and it is our responsibility to discover your learning gifts.
Why choose us
Personalized Learning
Students practice at their own pace, first filling in gaps in their understanding and then accelerating their learning.
Trusted content
Created by expert Tutor, Love2Learn content covers math, science, and more. We have one of the best learning and practice contents in online tutoring platforms.
Tools to empower Students
Apart from tutoring and students, we also give them free tools such as studying strategies to empower them to learn more from wherever they are in the world.